Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yosemite - Day 5

I am sat here in the cafe waiting for the wetness to dry up. It rained last night. We are heading out to look at a few things, mainly Pinebox and Motorcade. Then this evening Kevin is going to finish off Good Vibrations. Maybe try Heart Of Darkness too which looks amazing.

Anyway, here are some pictures my friend Wade took of me in Yosemite last year.


A random boulder under El Cap (Doesn't quite seem right does it!)

Sequence On Midnight Lightning

Some Random Boulder

Same Random Boulder

A Coyote, or is it a wolf!

Me and my friend Joel on a rest day climbing Serenity Crack (5:10d)

A shot I took of The Captain with my friends camera. (He had a fish eye)

Half Dome, again taken with my friends camera

1 comment:

Climbing Narcissist said...

as usual, awesome pics from wade