Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Living the Cave Life

Had a job in Bangor this morning, so when it had finished i went over to the cave to meet Doyle. Was pretty minging, with not many full things dry that i hadn't already done. So it was finishing off cave life that was the project of choice. I worked the individual sections having not been on it for a good 6 months. First go i punted it by falling off left wall after getting the sequence wrong. Quick bit of beta later and i had dispatched Cave Life. First V11 of the bouldering season, so happy with that.

After that i joined doylo on Pilgrim. Quite a power endurancy V12. (Aren't they all in the cave!) This starts up left wall and then moves into RA, via the arch traverse. I can do the crux section, but not from the very start. Its pretty tiring. Plus the end of RA is wet s not so keen to get through it all to have to drop off at the end. So get a bit more muscle memory on it and then move onto in hell. This is the v12 extention to pit of hell which i did earlier this year. After a bit of working i found myself falling off a few moves into RA. Fresh, i think i will nail this, as i had done a lot of climbing already today. Maybe the weekend?

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